Hi, here you can download APK file "FLY is FUN" for free, apk file version is 34.21 to download to your android just click this button. It's easy and warranty. We provide only original apk files
Screenshosts of FLY is FUN
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
  • FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
Description of FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation

FLY is FUN is designed by pilots for pilots. FLY is FUN simplify flight preparation and improve situation awareness during flight, providing information on airspaces, reporting points, position on moving map, elevation, frequencies, railway, weather info … facilitate access to airfields related PDF document. Application also displays NOTAMs and data from rainfall radars.

FLY is FUN simulates ILS approach, VOR, NDB, DME, Marker beacons, RNAV navigation and Marker beacons warnings, without ILS/VOR/NDB/RNAV equipment on board.

You can test FLY is FUN for free during few days. At the end of the trial period, pilot is invited to subscribe and pay an annual fees. Doing it, he get the right of using the application "as it is" and contribute to development effort.

FLY is FUN allows:
- Creating and modifying routes using "drag and drop", "rubber band"
- Getting warnings, alarms and radio info before entering controlled or special use airspaces, approaching points
- Performing route planning, evaluating distance, time and fuel consumption (depending on wind and aircraft characteristics)
- Displaying route, bearing, trace on moving map
- Visualizing airspace
- Getting dynamic terrain map (colors depending of elevation above ground level)
- STRATUX support
- Creating and exporting Flight Plan
- Creating and exporting Flight log
- Creating, importing or exporting routes, waypoints, RWY, airspace (Garmin .gpx, .kml, txt, OpenAir)
- Recording the flight and playing it back with Google Earth
- Sunset / Sunrise
- Getting weather forecast along the route
- Rainfall radar
- Wind displaying
- Calculating distance between 2 points on the map
- VACs
- Notepad

All main screens (5 portrait and 5 landscape could easily be customized. Pilot can choose from around 100 values to display. Example:
- Altitude GPS or barometric
- Ground speed
- Bearing
- Vertical speed
- DME to next point / destination
- Estimated time to next point / destination
- Time since departure
- Stop watch

Displayed information could be customized too depending of users preferences (VFR, IFR or both) and zoom level. The more you zoom IN, the more detail, information, waypoints,.. you see

The integrated logbook, allows recording:
- Duration since departure time
- Departure and arrival time
- Departure and arrival airport
- Flight track (it is possible to export it as .kml or .gpx and to replay it)
- Used aircraft
- Pilot(s) and copilots in charge
- Distance, average speed, maximum speed

Navigation data available from open source database are updated according AIRAC cycles.

Charts and elevation dta
Free charts and elevation data are available for most of countries and could be imported directly via the application store.
Other charts could be created and imported by the pilot itself or made on request available as commercial service.

Pilots could select the most appropriate charts: free open source charts as well as commercial charts as ICAO, Cartabossy, SkyVector, FAA sectional and terminal charts…

VACs and PDF files
VAC and AIP infos are available for more than 50 countries
User can easily attach your own PDF files.

Usage of external GPS connected via Bluetooth is possible

User guide:

If you have any suggestion to improve this application or you find some bug please visit

Use this application for VFR FLYING ONLY!!! We are not responsible for any use of this application.

Version history FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation
New in FLY is FUN 34.21
- Updated German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish and Slovenian version. Thanks to Juergen, Rolando, Antoine, Marco, Krzysztof and Jernej.
- Better parsing NOTAM text.
New in FLY is FUN 34.20
- If the NOTAM contains coordinates, it is shown as an area on the map. If it is small and you are using high zoom, this NOTAM is displayed as an icon.
- Application displays NOTAM altitudes if the altitudes are available.
- Added altitude filter for NOTAMs.
- NOTAM list box, possible share NOTAMs using KML format. Swipe to select them nd press Share button at the bottom.
- Better NOTAM grouping at the map.
New in FLY is FUN 34.10
- FAA NOTAMs are displayed at the map. You can click on the NOTAM symbol. For customizing displaying the NOTAMs at the map, long click the compass rose to open Screen customize window.
- Updated German and Spanish version. Thanks to Juergen and Rolando.
New in FLY is FUN 34.00
- FIF uses new NOTAM source now - FAA. If you want to roll back to ICAO source, you can do it in the Preferences / NOTAMs. Displaying NOTAMS on the map will follow soon.
- Updated Czech, French, Italian, Polish and Slovenian version. Thanks to Antoine, Marco, Krzysztof and Jernej.
New in FLY is FUN 33.90
- Improved NMEA sending using UDP. Thanks to Steve.
- Better sorting VHFs
- Updated Czech, French, Italian, Polish and Slovenian. Thanks to Antoine, Marco, Krzysztof and Jernej
New in FLY is FUN 33.80
- You can share/send all your settings. Menu / App settings / Preferences, General settings / Share preferences
- When you click at settings file with suffix .prefs (attached by email, chats like a Telegram) you can import all settings.
- You can share airspaces. Open airspaces, select desired airspaces and press share button. You can also easy import them by clicking on a KML or GIA or TXT (OpenAir) file
New in FLY is FUN 33.72
Removed bug: When app uses the external data (GDL90, ...) the The ACC window could display nonsensical values.
New in FLY is FUN 33.70
- You can select require fuel to NAV2 (screen customize)
- Removed bug, inverting route WPTs
New in FLY is FUN 33.60
- Broadcasting NMEA - added GSA sentence
- External data - now it is possible to use NMEA location from external sources using WiFi connection (UDP protocol).
- Nearest object dlg shows ATIS frequency if available
- You can select alternate airport when you create a route using map.
- When you select ILS approach from RWY item (open nav database, find desired RWY, click on RWY icon and select ILS approach), app remembers the last values (glide slope angle, RWY threshold height)
New in FLY is FUN 33.58
- If you use external GPS source, you can tap ACC window to switch to internal GPS
- The app has been modified to meet the latest Google requirements. For your information 120 java files (around 7000 lines of code) was refactored.
- Updated Poland version, thanks to Krzystof.
New in FLY is FUN 33.56
- If you use external GPS source, you can tap ACC window to switch to internal GPS
- The app has been modified to meet the latest Google requirements. For your information 120 java files (around 7000 lines of code) was refactored.
- Updated Poland version, thanks to Krzystof.
New in FLY is FUN 33.50
- If you use external GPS source, you can tap ACC window to switch to internal GPS
- The app has been modified to meet the latest Google requirements. For your information 120 java files (around 7000 lines of code) was refactored.
- Updated Poland version, thanks to Krzystof.
New in FLY is FUN 33.41
- Route Wpt editing: App offers now FIR, when crossing the FIR border (used for FPL).
- When route is activated, app displays also route(s) to alternate airport(s). You can change this (Menu/App settings/Preferences Routes...)
- upgraded METAR color scheme
- Nav item edit - added country code auto fill button
- Updated French, Italian, Slovenian, Spanish and Czech version. Thanks to Antoine, Marco, Jernej and Rolando
- Removed some minor bugs
New in FLY is FUN 33.30
- Route list: each route now also shows the fuel required for the flight
- App can display FIS frequency permanently. You must customize screen and select FIS for one of value windows.
- You can hide TRK value. Customize screen and unselect "Show TRK".
- Added FIR, FIS information to Position Info window.
- When you click on objects on the map, not only the frequency but also the call sign is displayed.
- Updated Czech, French, Geman, Italian, Polish and Slovenian version.
New in FLY is FUN 33.22
- Better choosing VHF frequencies for traffic patterns
New in FLY is FUN 33.20
Version 33.20
- Removed bug: when Logbook had a lot of entries, the app crashed when editing the entries.
Version 33.12
- Refactored Route summary
- Removed some bugs
New in FLY is FUN 33.12
- Refactored Route summary
- Removed some bugs
New in FLY is FUN 33.10
- Added total time to route list. If you do not see it, open desired route and save it again.
- Improved Preferences
- Application can be used as data source for another devices. Preferences / Data broadcasting
- Removed bug: When route is editing on map and you changes screen orientation, WPT num dialog box has disappeared.
New in FLY is FUN 32.05
Version 32.05
- Removed bug: Open airport url crash

Version 32.04
- Removed bug at map screen: When you zoom in, sometimes vertical situation was not displayed (terrain and airspaces).

Version 32.02
- METAR and TAF data source change. The original one was suspended.
- Export / Import navigation database with folder's notes
- Removed bug: Notification icon was hidden at Android 13
New in FLY is FUN 32.00
- Navigation database has a new design. Route windows will follow.
- It is possible to control some FIF features by text file - I will publish more information at
- Removed minor bugs.
New in FLY is FUN 31.62
Version 31.62
- Internal changes

Version 31.60
- New maps for Europe Top Plus Open. Menu / Downloads / Topographical maps
- Internal changes
- Unlocker is not used any more due to Google privacy policy
- Removed bug - When you tap TMA sometimes was shown TWR FRQ. Correct is APP or RDR.
New in FLY is FUN 31.60
- New maps for Europe Top Plus Open. Menu / Downloads / Topographical maps
- Internal changes
- Unlocker is not used any more due to Google privacy policy
- Removed bug - When you tap TMA sometimes was shown TWR FRQ. Correct is APP or RDR.
New in FLY is FUN 31.52
- Updated Russian and Spanish version. Thanks to Oleksandr and Rolando.
- Improved Select object dialog box.
New in FLY is FUN 31.51
- The PDF button has been renamed to Docs because the PDF folder can now contain not only .pdf files, but also .jpg, .png and .www files. www is a text file that contains only URL.
- Updated Czech and German Documents (PDFs and URLs). It is recommended to update them.
- Armenia changed country code to UD.
- Updated Czech, German, French, Italian, Polish, and Slovenian version. Thanks to Juergen, Antoine, Marco, Krzystof and Jernej.
New in FLY is FUN 31.31
- Improved RWY database import. I recommend to update navigation database.
- You can modify an active route now. Open active route window (click at any route value window) and then click at the second button from the left. You will see map and you can use rubber band and add/delete route WPTs.
- When you tap map and there are a lot of near objects, you will get the list of them to select desired one.
- Changed design of dialog box for settings CRS, HDG, Speed bug and Heading bug.
New in FLY is FUN 31.23
- Small improvements
- Removed bug: There were impossible to upgrade nav database at some devices (error traversal vulnerability)
New in FLY is FUN 31.21
- It is possible to use the application at the background and do not loose GPS signal (Android 10 and more)
- Route list: You can see the alternate airports in the each route item in the list.
- Removed bug: There were impossible set backup period to Google drive.
New in FLY is FUN 31.10
- Route list: You can see the alternate airports in the each route item in the list.
- Removed bug: There were impossible set backup period to Google drive.
New in FLY is FUN 31.06
Version 31.06
- Updated French, German, Polish and Russian. Thanks to Antoine, Juergen and Krzystof and Den.
- Internal changes - Location engine
- Removed bug: When using GDL90 GPS source application did not switch the route WPTs automatically.
New in FLY is FUN 31.02
- Changed design of the all dialog boxes
- Refactored Preferences (Menu/App settings/Preferences)
- Internal changes
- Removed bugs
New in FLY is FUN 31.01
- Changed design of the all dialog boxes
- Refactored Preferences (Menu/App settings/Preferences)
- Internal changes
- Removed bugs
New in FLY is FUN 30.04
Removed bug - application did not work at new Samsung Galaxy S22
New in FLY is FUN 30.03
Removed bugs - crash at some Lenovo devices when importing nav database
New in FLY is FUN 30.02
Removed bud: At some devices crash when route editing
New in FLY is FUN 29.33
- At some devices with Android version 11 was impossible to open PDF files.
- Updated Russian version. Thanks to Den
New in FLY is FUN 29.10
Importing the world nav database: Now it is possible to select the previous AIRAC cycles.
New in FLY is FUN 29.01
Version 29.01
- Improved METAR history charts (colors and added units)
- Possible quick switch-on/off displaying terrain at the map screen. Long tap AGL value window. You can still do it by long pressing compass rose and checking "Shows terrain".
New in FLY is FUN 29.00
- Added METAR history chart. You can see how the weather developing at the chart. You can switch among the displayed values by swiping from left to right and vice versa. Open METARS, click at any one and select History.
- Removed bug: At some devices application did not show the last METARs and TAFs
New in FLY is FUN 28.70
- Flight log XLS file contains RWYs at the airport WPTs (only raw data). Anyway you can create your own flight log template...
- When you tap the airspace, you can press the airspace name. This quickly opens the airspace list with selected airspace at the top.
- You can tag the airspace pattern. Tap a pattern and press the Tag button
- Removed bug: Manual GPS altitude correction was impossible to set.
New in FLY is FUN 28.61
Version 28.61
- Czech and Italian VFR report points are displayed at FPL ROUTE like a name not like a coordinates.
- Aircraft definition - ELBA was renamed to ELT.
New in FLY is FUN 28.52
Version 28.52
- Internal airspaces changes

Version 28.51
- Updated Russian and Spanish version. Thanks to Ден and Rolando.
- Removed some bug. Application at some crashed after launch.

Version 28.32
- METAR/TAF data server changed data structure so we implemented it.
New in FLY is FUN 28.51
- Updated Russian and Spanish version. Thanks to Ден and Rolando.
- Removed some bug. Application at some crashed after launch.
New in FLY is FUN 28.32
- METAR/TAF data server changed data structure so we implemented it.
New in FLY is FUN 28.30
Version 28.30
- Refactored subscriptions. You can easy mage it. Preferences / General settings / Google play subscription
- Updated Czech, German, French, Italian, Polish and Slovenian version. Thanks to Antoine, Juergen, Marco, Krzystof and Jernej.
New in FLY is FUN 28.20
Version 28.20
- Route export - added Garmin FPL format
- Removed bug: Some airports did not import when upgrading the world nav database
New in FLY is FUN 28.11
- CRS line has triangle arrows. Inbound CRS part has yellow arrows, outbound one has orange arrows. You can switch it off at Screen customize, CRS color.
- If you tap map by two figers, info dialog box is displayed below vertical cut.
- Support for GDL90 GPS position - Menu / App settings / Preferences, External sources / WiFi / GDL90
- removed some bugs
New in FLY is FUN 28.01
- Updated Czech, French, German, Italian, Polish, Slovenian and Spanish version. Thanks to Antoine, Juergen, Marco, Krzystof, Jernej and Rolando.
- Removed bug: Logbook edit and click on date/time from/to.
New in FLY is FUN 28.00
- Refactored Aircraft
- Aircraft contains Weight and Balance.
- A lot of small improvements
New in FLY is FUN 27.31
- Aircraft edit: new engine type: piston diesel
- Flight plan: If filled endurance is longer, then max aircraft possible endurance. it is red.
New in FLY is FUN 27.30
- Route list: If the wind is defined for at least one leg of the route, the route row shows wind icon.
- Route edit: possible export Flight log (Menu, Share flight log). If the route has filled departure date / time, FIF fills ETA at route flight log (raw data).
- Removed bug: When route does not have selected aircraft, application did not fill active (default) aircraft.
- Removed bug: if METAR did not contain WX, it always displayed +SHRASNPL.
New in FLY is FUN 27.20
- When planning the route, you can select the aircraft and departure time. Application shows for each route WPT: ETA, heading, ground speed, SR/SS calculated from departure time.
- Possible to set new wind during the flight to the active route (Menu/set wind).
- Possible to display new values at the main screen - FUEL (required fuel to NAV1 and required fuel to the end of route.
- Possible to hide decoded METAR data at METAR list (Menu/Other settings/Hide decoded data).
New in FLY is FUN 27.00
- Optimized all main screens for screen aspect ratio 4:3, 10:6, 16:9 and long screens.
- Route edit design was a little bit changed.
- Possible displaying sunrise and sunset for last WPT of active route. If route is not active, sunrise or sunset is calculated to the naxt WPT (NAV1). Customize screen and select SS - End of route SS...
- Updated Slovenian and Spanish version. Thanks to Jernej and Rolando.
- A lot of small improvements
- Removed some bugs
New in FLY is FUN 26.81
- Displayed VHF for airport patterns.
- If you display active route, coordinates of WPTs are hidden, radial and distance to nearest VOR, NDB is displayed.
- Route edit: You can set wind for all legs via menu (Manu / Set wind)
- Route edit: You can set altitudes for all legs via menu (Menu / Set altitudes). Altitude for each leg is calculated (desired minimum height over the highest leg point).
- Improved Density altitude calculator.
- METAR list displays the density altitude. You can hide it
New in FLY is FUN 26.71
Version 26.71
- New METAR/TAF color scheme called FIF. This color scheme respects aviation VFR and IFR flight rules. Open METAR list, tap Menu / Color scheme and select FIF.
- Small improvements

Version 26.70
- Improved default / factory settings.
- improved Load default at map screen customizing (long press the compass rose, scroll down and press "Load default" button).
- Route list row displays now route name and also list of WPT names.
New in FLY is FUN 26.60
Version 26.60
- TAFs displayed at the map.
- Switch-on TAFs at the map: At map screen long press the compass rose for screen customize and find button METAR / TAF...
- At the screen customizing you can also replace one of the screen values by selecting MTS - METAR / TAF switcher. There is a loop when you tap it (OFF, METAR, TAF +!, TAF +2...). The number means forecast time now + 1 hour, now + 2 hours, etc.
- If you long tap MTS, it quickly switch-off the METAR/TAF displying at the map
New in FLY is FUN 26.51
- If there is wind gusts, wind speed text color is red (METAR list, TAF)
- If METAR contains wind direction which vary, it is displayed at METAR list with red color, for example: 180 - 260.
- Changed color scheme GAFOR - yellow color was splitted into two yellow colors. DIFF has minimum ceiling 1000 ft, DIFF+ has mimimum ceiling 2000 ft.
New in FLY is FUN 26.50
- METARs are displayed at the map. It is a circle with wind direction. Color of the circle is dependent of weather and selected color scheme. Color scheme is possible to set in Preferences or METAR list. The length of wind barb is dependent of wind.
- At the screen customizing you can also replace one of the screen values by selecting MTS - METAR / TAF switcher. Then you will see at the map screen if METARs are on/off and tap it for on/off.
New in FLY is FUN 26.43
Version 26.43
- Updated Czech, German, French, Italian, Poland and Russian version. Thanks to Juergen, Antoine, Marco, Krzystof and Alex.

Version 26.42
- METAR and TAF weather is decoded. At this time English only. Translations will follow.
- You can select displaying sky coverage using icon or text (FEW, SCT, BKN...). At METAR list press Menu / Color scheme
- TAF has also color scheme (the same as METAR).
- Removed small bugs.
New in FLY is FUN 26.30
- Displayed METAR color scheme at METAR list
- Refactored METAR list in landscape mode
- Refactored TAF in landscape mode
- A lot of small changes at TAF and METAR list
- Updated German French and Italian version. Thanks to Juergen, Antoine and Marco.
New in FLY is FUN 25.21
Version 25.21
- NOTAMs are accessible from Route List, Route Edit and active route.
New in FLY is FUN 25.20
- NOTAMs are accessible from Route List, Route Edit and active route.
New in FLY is FUN 25.10
Version 25.10
- Refactored info window (tap database object at the map). Added buttons NOTAM, METAR.
- Updated Czech, French, German, Italian, Poland and Spanish version. Thanks to Antoine, Juergen, Marco Krzystof and Rolando
New in FLY is FUN 25.01
Version 25.00
- NOTAMs implemented (only the first part, I am still working on it).
- First you must inser NOTAM API key at the Preferences. Open Preferences (Menu/App settings/Preferences), find NOTAMs / Get API key.
- Open Nav item list, long press for desired airport and select NOTAM.
- Notams for route, distance range and map will follow soon.
New in FLY is FUN 24.31
- Zoom up to 250 mn
- You can display age of ranfall radar data> Customize screen / select RRA }Rainfal Radar Age) at one of value window
- Refactored Position Info
- Heading bug is more visible
- Some lists at Android 10 was pink :-)
- Removed some minor bugs
New in FLY is FUN 24.21
- Refactored searching in VHF list and Airspace list
- Application creates file name hint when exporting logbook
- Removed some minor bugs
New in FLY is FUN 24.20
- Refactored creating nav database, added a lot of airports, runways and updated frequncies. Please update the nav database.
- Added button Source at Screen Customize / Rainfall radar. You can see the coverage of radars.
- Added possibility Direct to NAV1 and NAV2 by entering latitude and longitude - Menu/Navigate/Direct to (Coordinates).
New in FLY is FUN 24.10
Version 24.10
- Internal changes for nav database import (airspaces)
- Updated German airspaces, thanks to Juergen
- Created cache for rainfall radar (much less internet downloading)
- Updated Czech, German and Poland version. Thanks to Juergen and Krzystof
New in FLY is FUN 24.02
Version 24.02
- Displayed rainfall radar.
- Updated Russian version, thanks to Alex.
- Added VORTAC and TACAN to database - Database update necessary
- Easy displaying airspace from menu: Airspace list. Long tap at the airspace, select Show at the map centre
- Added support for wind. You can display wind and measure wind during the flight. If application knows wind, it is diplayed at the map screen.
New in FLY is FUN 24.00
Version 23.00
- Displayed rainfall radar.
- Updated Russian version, thanks to Alex.
- Added VORTAC and TACAN to database - Database update necessary
- Easy displaying airspace from menu: Airspace list. Long tap at the airspace, select Show at the map centre
- Added support for wind. You can display wind and measure wind during the flight. If application knows wind, it is diplayed at the map screen.
New in FLY is FUN 23.10
Version 23.10
- Added VORTAX and TACAN to database - Database update necessary
- Easy displayong airspace from menu: Airspace list. Long tap at the airspace, select Show at the map centre

Version 23.00
- Added support for wind. You can display wind and measure wind during the flight. If application knows wind, it is diplayed at the map screen. Menu / In flight settings / Wind or customize screen select value WD or WS and then if you tap it, you get the wind menu.
New in FLY is FUN 22.70
Version 22.70
- Possible edit holding patterns (You can import IFR holding patterns when importing the world nav database)
- Easy creating holding patterns - Long tap map and then select Holding Pattern
- Updated Czech, French, German, Polish, Russian and Spanish version. Many thanks to Antoine, Juergen, Krzystof, Alex and Rolando.
- Removed crash? When long tap compass rose at Notepad screen.
- Removed bug: Exporting track from Logbook (KML format). Time was local, not Zulu time.
New in FLY is FUN 22.60
- new 5th screen - Notepad (You can hide it in Preferences / Screen settings / Show/Hide screens]
New in FLY is FUN 22.52
Version 22.52
- Added notes to FPL. The notes is displayed at FPL list.
- Minor improvements

Version 22.51
- Added TRN (Turn angle to WPT) value window.
- Removed bug: Terrain map sometimes did not display terrain for 1 second.

Version 22.50
- Support for MBTiles map. Simple copy your xxx.mbtiles to .../Maps/MBTiles folder at your Android device.
- Updated Spanish version. Thanks to Rolando.
New in FLY is FUN 22.50
- Support for MBTiles map. Simple copy your xxx.mbtiles to .../Maps/MBTiles folder at your Android device.
- Updated Spanish version. Thanks to Rolando.
New in FLY is FUN 22.40
Version 22.40
- Possible permanently highlight (tag) the airspace. Tap at the airspace and press Tag button or open airspace list and do the same. If you want to remove all airspace tags, open airspace list, press menu and then Remove all tags.
- Updated German and Spanish version. Thanks to Juergen and Rolando
New in FLY is FUN 22.32
Version 22.31
- Minor improvments
- Updated Czech, French, Italian, Polish and Russia version. Thanks to Antoine, Marco, Krzystof and Alex.

Version 22.30
- Vertical view (Map and terrain screen) can have different scale X and Y. Customize screen and find "Max displayed height" for settings.
- Updated English an French user guide, thanks to Antoine.
New in FLY is FUN 22.31
Version 22.30
- Vertical view (Map and terrain screen) can have different scale X and Y. Customize screen and find "Max displayed height" for settings.
- Updated English an French user guide, thanks to Antoine.

Version 22.22
- Possible select 1 or 2 value columns at map screnn - landscape mode
- Removed bug - some airports patterns did not show VHF
- Removed bug - Nav database searching in landscape mode crash
New in FLY is FUN 22.23
Version 22.23
- Possible select 1 or 2 value columns at map screnn - landscape mode
- Removed bug - some airports patterns did not show VHF
- Removed bug - Nav database searching in landscape mode crash

Version 22.21
- Possible select 2, 3 or 4 values row at map screen - portrait mode
New in FLY is FUN 22.22
Version 22.22
- Possible select 1 or 2 value columns at map screnn - landscape mode
- Removed bug - some airports patterns did not show VHF
- Removed bug - Nav database searching in landscape mode crash

Version 22.21
- Possible select 2, 3 or 4 values row at map screen - portrait mode
New in FLY is FUN 22.20
- Added GPS based FL value. FL is derived from GPS altitude and QNH. It is necessary to set correct, real QNH (not QNE - 1013 hPa)!!!
- Better sorting when searching some text at nav database
- some minor improovments
- Removed bug, some RWYs did not have surface specification. Please import nav database again.
New in FLY is FUN 22.10
- Added AHRS (artificial horont), slip and load factor support for Stratux.
- Stratux support. If you want to connect Stratux, you must enable it in Preferences (External sources) and set Stratux Wifi.
- Added 8.333 VHFs
New in FLY is FUN 21.41
- Easier selecting map objects.
- Removed some bugs
New in FLY is FUN 21.40
- Importing database, when it is located on SD card, is much more faster.
New in FLY is FUN 21.31
Internal VHF changes
New in FLY is FUN 21.30
- When you Export/Import data, application remebers last path
- It is possible to display 8-12 values at the map screen (landscape mode). In the past it was fixed to 8 values. Customize screen...
- Removed minor bugs
New in FLY is FUN 21.27
- Reomoved bug
New in FLY is FUN 21.26
- Internal changes
New in FLY is FUN 21.24
Repaired crash after launch. It was caused new airspace data source format (around 10 times more points). Some devices was out of resources. I am very sorry vor any trouble.
New in FLY is FUN 21.23
Removed bug with displaying PDF files
New in FLY is FUN 21.22
- Apdated Slovenian language and airports. Thanks to Jernej
- Added French template for Flight log.
- Added German template for Flight log.
- Removed bug - bad displaying distance between WPTs, if GPS was switched off
- Removed bug - some CTRs was displayed like outline only
New in FLY is FUN 21.20
Added Slovenian language. Thanks to Jernej...
New in FLY is FUN 21.11
Version 21.11- Repaired METARs, TAFs- Possible to replace original sounds by your own. Have a look at the FLY is FUN folder / Sounds
New in FLY is FUN 21.10
Version 21.10- Added Bird areas and update database for Germany. Thanks to Jörg and Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN).- Nav item list = when you use Nearst or Search, there is displayed path for each navigation item.
New in FLY is FUN 21.01
Version 21.01- Using unlocker was terminated. From now it is possible to purchase year subscription only. This will help us to keep application and data up to date.- Updated Czech, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, and Spanish version. Many thanks to Antoine, Juergen, Marco, Krzystof Alex and Rolando.
New in FLY is FUN 20.26
Version 20.26- Updated PDF documents download- Uploaded 60 countries for PDF downloadVersion 20.25- Updated French and Russian versions. Thanks to Antoine and Alex.- Available Czech user guide (Menu/Downloads/User guide)
New in FLY is FUN 20.25
Version 20.25- Updated French and Russian versions. Thanks to Antoine and Alex.- Available Czech user guide (Menu/Downlkoads/User guide)Version 20.24- Updated Czech, Germany, Italian and Polish versions. Thanks to Juergen, Marco and Krzystof.- Created contributor list (Menu / About)- Some minor changesVersion 20.23- User VHF can be added at world database.- Removed bug
New in FLY is FUN 20.24
Version 20.24- Updated Czech, Germany, Italian and Polish versions. Thanks to Juergen, Marco and Krzystof.- Created contributor list (Menu / About)- Some minor changes
New in FLY is FUN 20.23
Version 20.23- User VHF can be added at world database.- Removed bug
New in FLY is FUN 20.22
- Refactored VHFs (internal changes)- For Italy imported Avioportolano database. Thanks to Marco for his help.
New in FLY is FUN 20.12
- Updated Russian version, thanks to Alex.- Removed some bugs
New in FLY is FUN 20.10
- When you tap map by two fingers, you will see Distance, BRG and RDL between your fingers. Taping order is important (RDL, BRG).- Added displaying SR/SS, VHF to Route WPTs- Refactored displaying route WPTs at landscape mode- Removed some bugs
New in FLY is FUN 20.01
- Updated English version of the User Guide. Many thanks to Antoine- Updated Czech, German, French, Italian, Polish, and Spanish version. Many thanks to Juergen, Antoine, Marco, Krzystof and Rolando- Addedd Hang Glider and Motor hang glider as a plane types.- Downloading PDF added to Info Page
New in FLY is FUN 20.00
- Created user interface for downloading PDFs
New in FLY is FUN 19.90
- PDF can be automatically downloaded when importing the world database (at this moment there are only Czech PDFs available). Data are downloaded to folder PDF_system.- Added plane type: Touring motor glider
New in FLY is FUN 19.85
- Added country code to nav items- Fixed displaying at screen ratio bigger than Full HD (for example Galaxy S8)- Removed some minor bug
New in FLY is FUN 19.84
Possible using external Bluetooth baro sensor (Menu/App settings/Preferences - Extrnal sensors)
New in FLY is FUN 19.83
- Possible change aircraft symbol size (map - customize screen)- Better visibility of map objects labels
New in FLY is FUN 19.82
- Added AGS: Average ground speed- Possible to set Logbook GPS fix update interval to 1 second- Updated Lithuanian version. Thanks to Edvinas.- Removed crash: Nav database searching (pressing enter button at soft keyboard)- Internal changes
New in FLY is FUN 19.81
- Improved info dialog (you can for example top map, when it is displayed)- Refactored intent filter (better working with email attachments).
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